Saturday, February 27, 2010

Corn Syrup

RS didn't get home from work till 3:30am this morning. His job involves event services and often the load out for some larger scale venues can take an entire day. Anyways, I was fast asleep when he came in and decided to jump on our bed. I was having an AWESOME dream and needless to say, was startled out of it by an over excited man with a bag full of McDonalds. After giving him a welcoming kiss goodnight, I rolled over to go back to sleep. However, RS was awake. And when RS is awake, everyone must also be awake.... He reminds me of our puppy, who has no doubt adapted RS's personality. Like our puppy RS will watch me sleep, and in my oblivious state, will apparently shove 20+ french fries into my mouth, as is what occurred at approximately 3:35am this morning. Well, okay, our dog doesn't shove french fries in my mouth.... So there you go, as of today, our year old puppy has one up in annoyances over RS.

Anyways, because I wasn't able to get to sleep until 4:30am (because the madness had to last an hour) I obviously wanted to sleep in, considering it was my day off today. I was able to sleep until 10:30am. At which point I was intrigued by a hand on my stomach. See I thought he had turned over to snuggle with me, which put a smile on my face. The smile was quickly turned off by the movement of the hand. Now, I have no idea how RS can eat the way he does and NOT want to sleep more than six hours, especially after working hard on a show until the early morning. But to want to partake in any physical activity after all of those circumstances just boggles my mind. Now don't get me wrong, I am not against those activities, and I decided to humor him this morning. *Take note in the fact that although I was NOT in the mood and I would have literally paid him to let me go back to sleep, I didn't.* :)

So again, because I am a spectacular girlfriend, I decided that because we were now fully awake, at 12:45am, I was going to treat us to breakfast at Cora, this spectacular healthy breakfast chain that is only open until 3pm daily. So I told RS that he needed to hop in the shower ASAP and get ready to go to the restaurant.

At this point he went on Youtube....

After a half an hour, I was finished showering and literally had my coat and boots on ready to go. He was still in his boxers sitting on the bed, now awaiting his Sims 3 download to finish before we could possibly go anywhere. At 2pm, I had officially given up on the breakfast treat because they closed at 3,

RS was expecting his dad to come visit at 5pm, and they were to go to a concert downtown tonight, which is where they are now. So between 2 and 5pm, I spent the entire time cleaning our messy apartment while RS played with a tripod.... not the camera, just the tripod. Now, I am used to his weird behavior, in fact, I love it because I am somewhat of an oddball myself. However the tripod went from interesting to annoying when he began to swish it in my direction really fast forcing the lengths to fully extend and go from a few feet to nearly 7ft in a second and hit me. RS is not abusive in anyway, and if I had actually felt any pain from it, RS would be right by my side to kiss it better. But when I am trying to clean up so his dad can have a pleasant stay, the last thing I want is the foot of a tripod in my eyeball.

So after I had to beg him for half an hour to go get groceries so we have something to offer our guest, he finally went. And surprisingly he came home with the right corn syrup I like on my pancakes, when i know he hates corn syrup! And just like that, love concurs all. :)

Now excuse me, I have to go make our bed and blow up the air mattress for his dad. Goodnight everyone!

I Warned Him I Would Do This....

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half now. For the records, we will call him RS. My name, is AP. And I, AP, would like to welcome you into our life together. Let me tell you a little bit about what that life exactly entails. We are both in our early twenties, and both grew up close to each other in a small town scenario. We eventually moved here to Toronto about 4 months ago so he could pursue his career. Now I'll bet you're wondering what those initials stand for. Well, RS here, thinks he is a Rock Star. Literally. Although he doesn't play any instrument, and doesn't sing, he is a pathological "Air Drummer". So, for the Rock Star, we shall call him RS. Myself on the other hand, am not coordinated enough to even air drum.... And I have over the years, obtained the nickname AP.... Accident Prone. I'll let your imagination wander on that one.

So now that you know a little bit about our names and where we live and all that jazz, I'll jump right into it. RS, has a common condition that most men have, and that little of them are aware of. That condition is called Penis Syndrome, or PS for short. This condition was diagnosed by Eve, after Adam peed on her foot and asked her to "guesstimate" the urine's approximate temperature. Eve of coarse screamed at him for this disgusting gesture, and from that day forward, we women have been considered "naggy" creatures.

Now RS has done A LOT to annoy me over the years of our relationship, and he continues to be a repeat offender. So instead of me staying up all night and listing everything he has done, I am going to do this daily. Now before we get into this little adventure, I want to make it clear that I am FAR from perfect myself. I have tons of flaws, and bad habits as well. The difference between RS and I though is that I (like most women) will go through a lot to hide my flaws and bad habits. If i have to scratch my butt I will go to the washroom to do so. If I have to pop a zit I will make sure I am the only one able to see what comes out. And if I have to "do my business", I shut all doors. RS on the other hand, well, will do the exact opposite.... But I'm sure you will hear about that eventually.

So lets get started!